Our Expertise

The principals of Pacific Energy Partners have experience in:
- Assessment of markets.
- Identification and investigation of options.
- Technical and financial feasibility analysis.
- Commercial and regulatory negotiations to develop energy projects in South East Asia and the Pacific.
We have expertise across exploration, appraisal and development activities, the construction and operation of production, processing and generation facilities and associated infrastructure. This includes managing the regulatory interface and the negotiation of commercial agreements required for project development such as joint venture, landholder, construction and customer offtake agreements.
Our expertise has been gained from involvement in large, logistically complex, conventional and unconventional oil and gas, LNG, solar, hydro, wind and geothermal opportunities. It includes:
- Setting strategy.
- Evaluating project opportunities.
- Introducing project development partners.
- Establishing suitable corporate structures.
- Providing advice and oversight.
- Monitoring, assessing and managing risk and opportunity.
We have been involved in projects ranging in size from USD millions to USD billions.
We understand the challenges and risks facing projects in remote areas and our experience includes:
- Large scale hydro in Southern Chile and the Gulf Province in Papua New Guinea.
- Conventional Geothermal in North Sumatra (Indonesia) and the Andes (Chile).
- Low enthalpy (hydrothermal) and high temperature, high pressure enhanced geothermal systems in central Australia.