In addition to our principals we are connected to individuals and organisations across Australia, the Pacific and South East Asia providing complimentary skills.

Charles has over 27 years’ experience in law, corporate transactions and commercial development. He held senior corporate development roles at Origin Energy and BHP Billiton. He led the negotiation, transaction execution and establishment of several international renewable energy joint ventures and served on the boards of these companies. He developed strategic partnerships and led negotiations with local stakeholders and governments as well as negotiations of shareholder, joint venture, infrastructure development, land access, power purchase and other key project agreements. He has significant experience in Australia, Indonesia, Chile, PNG and South Africa. Charles also played a key role in Billiton’s coal business development activities in Australia, Indonesia and China.

Tim has over 30 years’ experience in conventional and unconventional oil and gas and renewables. This includes leading subsurface (geoscience, engineering, drilling and completions) and Australian oil and gas exploration and production businesses. As General Manager Geothermal Developments, Tim was accountable for managing worldwide geothermal interests including Joint Ventures in Chile, Indonesia, Australia and Origin Energy’s geothermal interest in Contact Energy (New Zealand). He spent 2 years leading the analysis and design for enterprise-wide transformation of production and maintenance processes and systems to improve operational efficiency.